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Customer Reviews

Unique and enjoyable. Even before I remembered these were called “Fresh,” I was reflecting on how “clean” it felt. The feeling is pretty unique. It’s like not in your body but clearly in your body and not in your head but clearly in your head. 🤷‍♀️🤣 It’s nice. Like, real nice, but there’s almost zero dissonance—neither in a chemical sensation nor internal resistance. You’re not zonked or buzzy, really. It’s just mellow and clean.

(Also, random, but I suspect it helped with my executive dysfunction. I plotted a book, and my thoughts were expansive but smooth and effortless. 5⭐️)
Extremely relaxing. 2-3 of these a night make it a great night! seventy five characters is too much by the way
As always. Great product. I personally take half of one and it helps promote decent sleep but does help with my sleep walking. Personal problem; ha.

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