Subscriptions Give Exclusive Monthly Savings On Cannabinoids (1001mg - 1500mg, 1501mg - 2500mg, More than 2500mg)

Subscriptions (1001mg - 1500mg, 1501mg - 2500mg, More than 2500mg)

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70 Results

Customer Reviews

This is another canabinoid that I've bought to try. I only use gummies for sleep, and am thankful that I can get a full 8 hours and wake up refreshed.
These are the ABSOLUTE BEST! You ONLY need a 1/2 at a time. I’ve had the best sleep since I purchased these. Definitely a must buy!
10,000mg CBD pain relief cream is fantastic. I couldn’t live without and have recommended many friends to purchase the 10,000mg CBD cream and they have and love it.

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