FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions About Delta-8 and CBD


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Is HHC the same as THC?

No, HHC is not the same as THC. However, it is a very close cousin of THC or cannabis. Both cannabinoids have psychotropic properties. THC is much more potent than HHC.

What type of HHC products do you have?

Like just about everything else we sell here at Diamond CBD, our HHC products include vapes, gummies, edibles, and so much more for you to choose from.

HHC side effects: are there any?

As with all hemp-derived cannabinoids, HHC is entirely safe and has few side effects. The key is to be sure that you purchase from a reputable vendor like Diamond CBD that uses third-party testing to ensure the safety of the products they sell.

How strong is HHC compared to other cannabinoids?

HHC is one of the mildest and most subtle hemp-derived cannabinoids compared to others on the market today. It is half as potent as Delta-8 THC, which is less potent than cannabis. HHC is an excellent option for new users and others who want to try something with a psychotropic component without making a big commitment.

How long does the effect of HHC last?

It all depends on the product you use. With edibles, it takes a while for the HHC to metabolize in your system, so the high can last all day. With vapes, the buzz comes in short, powerful bursts.

What is the best HHC dosage?

The answer really depends on which product you use and what effect you are looking for. Take a few puffs off of your tank or pen with vapes until the desired result is reached. With edibles, the come-up is slow but can last all day, so we recommend following the serving recommendations on the package and only taking one or two.Go slow and increase your dose. Remember, you can always take more, but you cant take less.

How is HHC made?

HHC is derived from all-natural hemp with a little help from the lab. We take CBD and, through lab processes, develop HHC in large enough quantities to sell to the consumer market. This should not be confused with synthetic cannabinoids, however. HHC is not a synthetic cannabinoid.

How is it possible that HHC is legal?

HHC is an all-natural cannabinoid derived from hemp, although, like most cannabinoids, it is found in small quantities in the plant. Thanks to the Farm Bill, which was passed in 2018, hemp was made legal. The bill also legalized all hemp compounds and derivatives at the federal level, even those with psychotropic properties.

Does hhc get you high?

Yes, HHC does cause a euphoric, psychotropic high, or buzz. However, milligram-for-milligram HHC is less potent than THC or Delta-8 THC. It is a mild cannabinoid that is ideal for newcomers to the hemp market.

What is HHC?

HHC is like Delta-8 THC, just a little less potent. Theres disagreement on this front, but many researchers state that HHC offers users a buzz similar to Delta-8 THC but much less potent.

Is HHC safe?

As we wrote in a recent blog, Researchers know that HHC is safe to make and consume. We know that HHC is safe to make and consume. We dont have as much information about it as we do Delta-9 THC and CBD. However, we do know that much like those two cannabinoids, HHC has no known harsh side effects. Much like Delta-8 THC and cannabis, HHC should always be taken in moderation, and users should always know their limits, but it is otherwise safe to use.

Does HHC show up on a drug test?

Because HHC is a close cousin to cannabinoids like THC and Delta-8 THC, there is a better than good chance that it will show up on a drug screen. We caution you to act accordingly should you have to take a drug test.

What are CBD gummies?

CBD gummies are all-natural, hemp-derived CBD infused into delicious, fruity gummies. They're yummy snacks you remember from your childhood packed with the wellness you need as an adult!

Does CBD gummies get you high?

No, CBD is not a psychoactive compound so there is no buzz or psychotropic high associated with CBD gummies.

Do CBD gummies work?

Yes, cbd gummies are a great way to take cbd. they come up slow and last long so make sure you don't take too many because you think they're not working. Once they kick in you'll start to feel great!

Are CBD gummies legal?

Yes! CBD gummies are legal. When Congress passed the Farm Bill in 2018 they legalized hemp and CBD, in turn making all CBD gummies legal. So now you can enjoy all of your favorites without worry!

Can you explain how to take CBD gummies?

All jars and pouches of cbd gummies have serving size instructions on the back. Follow the serving size instructions and remember to go slow. CBD gummies come up slow but will last long, so don't take too many!

What do CBD gummies do for the body?

What do cbd gummies do for the body? CBD gummies have all of the benefits of cbd, including, rest, relaxation, wellness, pain relief, and more. CBD gummies are the ideal way to enjoy your daily dose of CBD!

How many CBD Gummies should I take?

This answer depends on the CBD Gummies' strength, but generally, you can take 1-2 CBD Gummies every 4-6 hours. If you find you need more, increase your dose by one gummy every 4-6 hours as needed until you reach your optimal dose. Never exceed more than 6 CBD Gummies at a time.A good rule to follow when determining an optimal CBD dose is to take anywhere from 1-6mg for every 10 pounds of body weight based upon the consumers needs. For example, a great starting dose for someone who weighs 150lbs would be somewhere between 15-25mg, and a 200lbs patient would range from 20-33mg.

What is Full spectrum CBD oil?

Full-spectrum CBD oil is a CBD oil or other CBD product that contains all of the other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids found in the hemp plant. Together they work in a synergistic way to produce the entourage effect in your body.