More than 2500mg

Shop the hottest cannabinoids that are greater than 2500mg total, perfect for anyone looking for something extremely potent.  
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Customer Reviews

I really enjoy the hybrid gummies. These are strong so I usually only take 1/2. These are a relaxing mellow buzz. I sleep through the night and don’t grind my teeth anymore. Thank you!
I have been using CBD creams for about 10 years. I first started using them because I couldn’t walk my knee was so messed up.. At first, somebody gave me a marijuana cream that was great but smelled like marijuana and marijuana wasn’t legal in our state at the time. I called my brother-in-law in California because he had a marijuana card and they told him I didn’t need THC. I needed CBD and they gave them several sites for me to find the cream I needed.. Diamond CBD has been a godsend and I have never had another pain in my knee.
I love your product’s. I have many autoimmune diseases and the nerve pain alone drives me crazy. I’ve learned if you rubbed it on, and take a warm/hot bath or shower it makes it work much better. Or while your skin is still wet and rub it in.
I really love it!

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