New Arrivals And Exclusive New Cannabinoid Products For Sale (751mg - 1000mg)

Customer Reviews

I've only sampled one product so far, but based on value alone, I'll give the Mystery Box five stars! Extra credit for the Fun Factor!
Melts fast in your mouth, I like that instead of having to chewing it for a long time or swallowing it in half because it tastes bad. These taste good too. I will be buying more.
These quick activation gummies are awesome! The only thing I could possibly recommend is to take a spoonful of peanut butter (or other food high in MCT's) before you eat your gummy so it absorbs better. I have digestive issues, as do many others, so it's harder to absorb enough THC for it to be effective...thus the PB boost! Great product and seamless ordering and shipping!💜💜💜

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