Blowout Products - Find Sales! (1501mg - 2500mg, 501mg - 750mg, 751mg - 1000mg)

Customer Reviews

These quick activation gummies are awesome! The only thing I could possibly recommend is to take a spoonful of peanut butter (or other food high in MCT's) before you eat your gummy so it absorbs better. I have digestive issues, as do many others, so it's harder to absorb enough THC for it to be effective...thus the PB boost! Great product and seamless ordering and shipping!💜💜💜
A quarter gummy makes for a great night's sleep! Means a lot when one reaches a "certain age".
My dog loves these so much and they’re very beneficial to him. I recommend him to anyone that dogs may be a little anxious and really helps them a lot thanks.

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