New Arrivals And Exclusive New Cannabinoid Products For Sale (1001mg - 1500mg, 501mg - 750mg)

Customer Reviews

I have a pretty strong tolerance, so I take one of these every morning to start my day and it gives me a lot of energy straight to the afternoon. I recommend starting with a half or a quarter so you know whether this is the right amount or you need more.
These gummies are a great before bed treat! Floaty head in about an hour or sooner which is nice…. Granted this is indulging on a couple at a time. Works great as an afternoon relaxer as well. Granted they used to come in 10000 mg… not sure why the change. I’m not pleased about that, but still a great product!!
Very relaxing. Started with half a gummy to get use to effect, than began having a whole one in evenings after dinner. Helps to relax me and relieve stress.

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