1501mg - 2500mg Cannabinoids and Hemp Products

1501mg - 2500mg

Shop the hottest cannabinoids that are 1501mg - 2500mg total, perfect for anyone looking for something very potent.  
46 Results

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Soft Gel Capsule


Vape Pens

Customer Reviews

After literally years of not sleeping through the night, I do now with ChillPlus. Took about a week of experimenting with the dosage.. This has been a life altering(in an awesome way)change for me. Thank You.
Green crack- Smooth hit, doesn't irritate the throat and the taste is mild. It gives you a mellow high to just chill and enjoy life
wonderful high, slow burn for me, doesn't hit me all at once making me sleepy, gives me a couple hours to enjoy it, and then I can sleep like a baby even with my insomnia.

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